Formal training

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My formal education took place in Copenhagen as a textile teacher at Hellerup Håndarbejdsseminarium and Tilskærerakademiet in Copenhagen. Latter I trained as a milliner in Otto P. Hatte in Copenhagen in the mid-eighties. My goal was to work with the costumes on smaller theaters where you basically get to work with all aspect of developing a costume.

Over the years, I have worked with a great number of theater productions as a seamstress, cutter, costume designer, designer and milliner – both in Denmark and Sweden from 1990.

Initially, I wanted to educate myself as a textile teacher just to learn the craft and not so much for becoming a teacher – but it is an education I have and have had much use out of. During the period 1997-2005, I was employed as a teacher for aspiring milliners at the Cutters Academy in Gothenburg and I continue to be a censor for this education. During that time, I took my masters degree as a milliner.

designer & milliner